

  1. Daniel G. Costa and Cristian Duran-Faundez. "Assessing Availability in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks Based on Targets' Perimeters Coverage," [Accepted to be published] in: Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  2. Cristian Duran-Faundez, Daniel G. Costa, and Vincent Lecuire. "Perimeter-based calculation of object coverage in multi-camera systems," [Accepted to be published] in: Engineering Letters.
  3. Cristian Duran-Faundez, Mario Ramos, and Pedro Rodriguez. "Applying GAIA and AUML for the development of multiagent-based control software for flexible manufacturing systems: addressing methodological and implementation issues". In: Software: Practice and Experience, 2015, 45(12), 1719-1737. DOI: 10.1002/spe.2302 .
  4. Joaquin Alder Silva-Faundez, Cristian Duran-Faundez, Pedro Melin, and Cristhian Aguilera. "An anticipatory control for a flexible manufacturing system based on the perception of mobile units using wireless sensor networks". In: International Journal of Computer, Communications & Control, 2015, 10(5), 702-717. DOI:
  5. Cristian Duran-Faundez, Vincent Lecuire, and Francis Lepage. "Tiny block-size coding for energy-efficient image compression and communication in wireless camera sensor networks". In: Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2011. vol 26, nº 8-9, pp. 466-481.
  6. Vincent Lecuire, Cristian Duran-Faundez, and Nicolas Krommenacker. "Energy-efficient image transmission in sensor networks". In: International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet) 2008 - 4(1/2), pp. 37-47. doi:10.1504/IJSNET.2008.019250
  7. Vincent Lecuire, Cristian Duran-Faundez, and Nicolas Krommenacker. "Energy-efficient transmission of wavelet-based images in wireless sensor networks". In: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2007, Article ID 47345, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2007/47345.

Conferences and Workshops

  1. Mario Ramos, Cristian Duran-Faundez and Cristhian Aguilera. "Towards an Agent-Based Control of a Cyber-Physical Production System using JADE: The CIMUBB Case," [Accepted to be presented] in: ICPR- Americas 2016.
  2. Cristian Duran-Faundez, Daniel G. Costa, Vincent Lecuire, and Francisco Vasques. "A geometrical approach to compute source prioritization based on target viewing in wireless visual sensor networks," 2016 IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), Aveiro, Portugal, 2016, pp. 1-7.
  3. Katherine Zapata-Quiñones, Cristian Duran-Faundez, and Gilberto Gutiérrez. "Algoritmo Genético para la Generación de Configuraciones Óptimas de Paquetización de Imágenes". In: XXVII Encuentro Chileno de Computación (ECC 2015), Santiago, Chile, November, 2015. [slides (pdf | sp)]
  4. Jonathan M. Palma O., Leonardo D. P. Carvalho, André M. de Oliveira, Alim P. de C. Gonçalves, and Cristian Duran-Faundez. "Minimizing the number of transmissions in a multi-hop network for the dynamical system filtering problem and the impact on the mean square error". In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (SBAI 2015), Natal, Brasil, October, 2015. [poster (pdf | en)]
  5. Cristian Duran-Faundez, Jonathan Matías Palma Olate, Eric Orellana-Romero, and Pedro E. Melin. "Effect of packet sampling time on a colony of mobile routing robots for communication link maintenance using IEEE 802.15.4 devices". In: 10th International Conference on MOdeling, Optimization and SIMlation (MOSIM 2014), Nancy, France, November 2014.
  6. Eric Orellana-Romero, Javier SanMartin-Hernandez, Cristian Duran-Faundez, Vincent Lecuire, and Katherine Zapata-Quinones. "Evaluation of Block Interleaving Techniques for Robust Image Communication in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks". In: 2014 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors (ICWiSe 2014), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2014.
  7. Jonathan Matías Palma Olate and Cristian Duran-Faundez. "On Maintaining Connectivity of a Colony of Autonomous Explorer Mobile Robots". In: 11th Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS' 2014), São Carlos-SP, Brazil, October 2014. [slides (pdf | en)]
  8. Eric Orellana-Romero, Javier SanMartin-Hernandez, Cristian Duran-Faundez, Vincent Lecuire and Cristhian Aguilera. "Sim-LIT: A simulation framework for image quality assessment in wireless visual sensor networks under packet loss conditions". In: XXX International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC'2011), Curicó, Chile, November 2011. [extended abstract (pdf | en)][extended abstract (html | en)][presentation (pdf | en)]
  9. Joaquin Alder Silva-Faundez, Ana Fuentealba-Bustos and Cristian Duran-Faundez. "Señor Maderita: a semi-omnidirectional mobile robot for training, development and research". In: Robotics Symposium, 2011 IEEE IX Latin American and IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control and Industry Applications (LARC), pp. 1-6, Bogotá, Colombia, October, 2011. [picture (jpg)]
  10. Cristian Duran-Faundez, Cristhian Aguilera-Carrasco and Arnoldo S. Norambuena. "Experimenting with RSSI for the perception of moving units in intelligent flexible manufacturing systems". In: International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE-ICIT 2010). Viña del Mar - Valparaiso, Chile, March 2010
  11. Cristian Duran-Faundez and Vincent Lecuire. "Error Resilient Image Communication with Chaotic Pixel Interleaving for Wireless Camera Sensors". In: Proceedings of the 2008 Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN'08), Glasgow, Scotland, 2008. [slides (pdf | en)]
  12. Vincent Lecuire, Cristian Duran-Faundez, Thomas Holl, Nicolas Krommenacker, Moufida Maimour, and Michael David. "Energy consumption analysis of a simple image transmission protocol in wireless sensor networks". In 6th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2006), pages 215-218, Torino, Italy, 2006. [poster (pdf | en)]


  1. Cristian Duran-Faundez. "Transmission d'images sur les réseaux de capteurs sans fil sous la contrainte de l'énergie". Thèses. Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, France (23/06/2009), Francis Lepage; Vincent Lecuire (Dir.) Download [slides (pdf | fr)]


  1. J. Ferreira, C. Aguilera, C. Duran, A. Montero, and R. Oñate. POSTER: "Propuesta, análisis y diseño: Sistema de monitoreo en variables de entorno en salas técnicas de forma remota". In: XV Congreso Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (SENACITEL 2014), Valdivia, Chile, November 2014.
  2. Cristian Duran-Faundez and Vincent Lecuire. "Transmission adaptative d'images avec contrôle de l'énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil". In: 2èmes Journées Doctorales / Journées Nationales MACS (JD-JN-MACS 2007). Reims, France, 2007
  3. Cristian Duran-Faundez and Vincent Lecuire. "Protocole de transmission d'images avec contrôle de l'énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil". In: 8ème Journées Doctorales en Informatique et Réseaux (JDIR'2007), Marne-la-Vallée, France, 2007
  4. Vincent Lecuire, Cristian Duran-Faundez, Thomas Holl, Nicolas Krommenacker, Moufida Maimour, and Michael David, POSTER : "Transmission d'images avec préservation de l'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil". 12ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles, Tozeur, Tunisie, octobre 2006.
  5. Cristian R. Durán Faúndez. Control distribuido auto-organizado para un sistema flexible de manufactura. Tesis de Ingeniero Civil en Informática, Universidad del Bío-Bío -- Concepción, Chile (16/03/2005), Pedro Rodríguez, Mario Ramos (Dir.)
  6. Mario Ramos, Raul Koller and Cristian Duran. "Un enfoque Multi-Agentes para la automatización de la toma de decisiones en la Industria Maderera". First IEEE Latinoamerican Conference on Robotics and Automation LCRA 2003, Santiago de Chile, Noviembre 2003.

Last modified: Sep-21-2016